Rev. Dr. Aubrey Spears
Fellow in Practical Theology

I am pastor of the Church of the Incarnation in Harrisonburg, VA (, and have been in pastoral ministry at the local church level since 1991. My family has been in the ministry for three generations, with grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister, brother-in-law, and uncle all serving the church in one pastoral capacity or another.
I've graduated from the University of Liverpool, U.K. (Ph.D. in Old Testament, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and Homiletics), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity), and Houston Baptist University (Bachelors of English Literature and Christianity). I've authored several books and articles and am currently writing a commentary on Esther (Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series, Eerdmans), and a chapter entitled "Preaching the Old Testament" for Hearing the Old Testament (Eerdmans).
Twenty things I love are: God, my beloved wife (Janielle), my dear children (Spencer, Sloane, Silas, Shea, and Shelby), church, my work, the neocalvinist tradition in the line of Abraham Kuyper, good neighborhoods, gardening, the fiction of Dorothy Dunnett, coffee, watching then discussing movies with friends and family, a fire in the fireplace when it's cold out, my parents and wife's parents and our siblings and their families, cooking with my wife, baptism and eucharist, Anglican prayer book worship, ordering life by the church year, leisurely meals with friends, great discussions about big questions, studying and teaching and preaching Scripture.