Dr. Heath Thomas
Fellow in Old Testament Studies

Heath Thomas is Associate Professor of Old Testament & Hebrew and the Director of PhD Studies at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is married to Jill, who is a nurse, and has four beautiful children called Harrison, Isabelle, Simon, and Sophia. He has taught at Southeastern since 2007. A graduate of the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham (UK), his research interests lie in biblical lament tradition, the relationship between faith and law, biblical prophecy, and a number of specific research projects. He also has a sustained interest in the relationship between the Hebrew lament tradition and a Christian theology of suffering. He is the author of: Poetry and Theology in the Book of Lamentations(Sheffield Phoenix), ‘Until He Looks Down and Sees’: The Message and Meaning of the Book of Lamentations (Grove Books); forthcoming volumes on Habakkuk (Eerdmans) and the Minor Prophets (with Craig Bartholomew, IVP Academic); and co-edited two volumes entitled Great is Thy Faithfulness? Toward Reading Lamentations as Christian Scripture(with Robin Parry, Pickwick Press) and Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem (with Paul Copan and Jeremy Evans, IVP Academic). Heath is currently working with Craig Bartholomew on A Manifesto for Theological Interpretation(Baker Academic) and with Bruce Ashford on a volume centered upon Gospel and Mission(Baker Academic). Heath enjoys fly-fishing and reading the prose of Umberto Eco and Paulo Coelho (and recently the works of Chinua Achebe).